公司 搜索   杨浦区  约有 328 项符合条件的查询结果,每页显示30项。
职位名称 公司名称 工作地点 发布日期
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 工作经验:五年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:30-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Work in conjunction with Front Office, Sales, Food and Beverage Departments to ensure compliance with corporate procedures. 工作中与前厅、销售部、餐饮部联系,确保遵守酒店程序。 2. Ensure Hotel credit Policy is followed and enforced.       确保遵守和加强酒店信用管理程序。 3. Complete knowledge of the A/R clerical functions.    完全了解应收帐款业务。 4. Process applications for credit facilities for companies, groups, functions, etc.    处理公司、集团等的信用申请。 5. Monitor the special billing arrangements for groups and conventions as required to ensure that      postings are in line with customer requirements. Liaise with conventions/groups/sales departments. Reconcile Master accounts for in house conferences daily where appropriate.    按要求监控为某些团体和会议所做的特殊的帐单安排,确保帐单按客户要求入帐。联络会议/团体/    销售部门.每日核对店内会议汇总帐目。 6. Review “Credit Check or High Balance ”report for in house credit control each day for credit limits  and follow-up of charge back arrangements. Document what steps were taken to verify the ability of guests on “high -balance” report to pay their balances. 作为店内信用控制,每天检查“信用或最高信用额度”报告,以确定信用限度和后续的收款安排。在“最高信用额度”报告中记录应采取什么样的措施来确认客人偿还透支的能力。 7. Monitor and pursue collection of overdue accounts on a structural fashion –preferably by phone for      fast  results. Failing any response after repeat call and letters, refer to collection agency if possible.       通过结构化的形式监控和追讨过期未付款项,最好使用电话以便快速得到结果。多次去电和去函后    仍没有回音时,如果可能,求助于讨债机构。 8. Call on overdue Travel Agency accounts.    催促过期求付的旅行社帐款。 9. Respond to and resolve accounts queries in conjunction with accounts receivable.    与应收帐会计一起回答并解决帐目质疑。 10. For old corporate or convention/banquet debtors liaise with sales representative or conventions manager for pursuit of outstanding accounts and follow up on action taken. 对原有的公司或会议/宴会债务人,联系销售代表和会议经理,追踪未付的帐款并采取相应的措施。 11. Liaise with all other Hotel hotels in region on major accounts and any potential doubtful corporate accounts.    就主要帐目和任何潜在的可疑的公司帐目与同一地区的索菲特酒店联络。 12. Reconcile payment discrepancies and take action to resolve any ;Never allocate overpayments or unallocated cheques towards another account or invoice; if it cannot be resolved immediately, leave it floating.    核查付款中不一致的地方并采取行动解决;不允许将多付的钱款或不可划分的支票划到另一些帐目    或发票上;如果不能立即解决问题,请马上汇报。 13. Follow up on overdue accounts –to legal actions if necessary.    追讨过期未付帐款,必要时采用法律手段。 14. Follow up on overdue accounts –to legal actions if necessary.    追讨过期未付帐款,必要时采用法律手段。 15. Prepare management reports for month end analysis (A/R Analysis ) and to provide documentation for Credit Meeting.    准备月末分析(应收帐款分析)管理报告。为信用会议提供文件。 16. Conduct monthly Credit Meeting highlighting monthly performance, bad debts, staff accounts outstanding and discuss any accounts causing concern for follow up.    召开每月信用会议,突出介绍每月业绩、坏帐、员工应付未付帐目并讨论任何需要继续关注的帐    目。 17. It is not the intention of this Position description to provide an exhaustive list of job duties. It provides a focal point to the incumbent in the hope that they will develop the job further. From time to time and in line with managerial priorities, it is expected that the incumbent will work as and where directed by management and in line with improving customer service.    职位描述的目的不是提供一份工作职责的详细清单。它仅希望能变那些用于完善工作的应尽职责提    供一个基本观点。随时符合管理的要求,希望能够在管理层的指导下,以不断提高的顾客服务履行    职责。 18. To ensure that all invoices are accurate and mailed in accordance with the established Credit Policies and Procedures to ensure that guest queries are reduced.       确保所有的发票准确并按已建立的信用政策和程序寄出,减少客人的质疑。 19. Ensure grooming of the staff as per hotel standard.    确保员工保持酒店微笑服务的标准。 20. Ensure all staff under his/her administration report in time.    确保下属员工及时报告工作。 21. Process disciplinary action of the staff should there be a necessity.    如有必要对下属进行纪律约束。 22. Participate in the s e l e c tion process of staff.    参予员工的选拔工作。 23. Recommend staff promotion as and when it is necessary.    必要时推荐对员工的提升。 24. Check the time card of the staff once in a month and compare with the attendance register to be maintained in the Department.    每月检查员工的时间卡并与保留在本部门的签到簿比较。 25. Ensure that the staff under his/her supervision are on the job and do not gossip while on duty.    确保下属员工到岗且在工作时间不闲谈。 系统要求:熟练操作财务SUN系统以及酒店OPERA系统
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:28-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. As a representative of Senior Management, the Duty Manager will be called upon to deal with guest problems and/or complaints. In dealing with these situations, the Duty Manager must ensure that they use tact and diplomacy and remain within the organizational policy in rectifying these situations. 作为酒店高级管理层的代表,值班经理要负责处理客人的问题和投诉。在处理这些情况的时候,值班经理要运用自己的聪明才智和外交手腕在酒店组织政策许可的范围内处理好这些问题。 2. The Duty Manager is responsible for receiving and escorting all VIP’s and ensuring that they feel comfortable and welcome on arrival to the hotel. 值班经理要负责重要客人的迎领工作。 要确保重要客人抵达酒店时感觉舒适并受到了热情的欢迎。 3. The Duty Manager is responsible for the security control of all hotel keys whilst on duty. 在当班时,值班经理根据安全需要负责控制整个酒店的钥匙。 4. Responsible for security checks of the entire hotel and its equipment on a regular basis each day/evening. 每天/晚需要负责进行整个酒店的安全和日常的设备检查工作。 5. Responsible for attending to, resolving or acting upon any alarms or security breaches that may occur whilst on duty. 负责解决当班期间发生的安全问题。 6. The Duty Manager is to ensure and oversee that the Receptionist/Cashier shift procedures/duties are completed on time and are procedurally correct. 值班经理要负责监督接待员、收银员及时准确地完成本职的日常工作。 7. To ensure that computer reports are done as scheduled. 要确保日常电脑报告的完成。 8. To ensure that on-going pertinent/relevant logbook communication to other shifts is maintained. 负责向其它班次协调交班记录上需要沟通的事项。 9. To assist all area in the Front Office Dept. whilst on duty as required. (Tel: Operator, Reception, FO cashier, Concierge, Bell Desk, Health Center, Business Center) 在当班时间根据需要协助前厅部所有岗位的工作。(总机、接待、前台收银、礼宾部、行李台、健身中心、商务中心) 10. Responsible for assisting in a "hands-on" capacity should the need arise in any outlet or area in the Hotel. 当酒店的餐厅或者其它岗位需要人手时负责协助工作。 11. Brief incoming DM’s on items to be followed-up. 向接班的值班经理简要介绍需要落实的有关事项。 12. Maintain daily an accurate record in the DM’s logbook of items and incidents which may be of concern to management and /or which may require further attention. 如果是管理层需要的或者日后可能需要注意的事情,要如实地记录在值班经理的交班记录本上。 13. To assist as required/requested with the solving of any guest complaints/upsets. 根据需要协助解决客人的投诉和问题。 14. To ensure all outlets open/close on time. 确保所有的餐厅按时开门/关门。 15. Responsible for ensuring all outlets are securely locked-up at their respective close of trading. 负责在所有的餐厅结束营业时,进行安全检查。 16. The Duty Manager is responsible for acting fire and emergency procedures and for contacting Senior Management in case of a fire or emergency whilst on duty. 值班经理要负责执行防火和安全条例,在当班时一旦发生火灾或安全问题要同酒店的高级管理人员联系。 17. Responsible in the absence of the Purchasing Manager and Storeman for receiving/issuing supply of stocks required to all outlets and for ensuring all relevant orders are completed and authorized in line with the purchasing procedures. 在采购部经理和保管员不在时,根据所有餐厅的需要,负责仓库物品的收发工作。所有有关订购的事宜要完全按照采购部的工作程序。 18. To ensure that you as a Asst Duty Manager are constantly aware of and `up-to-date' with all happenings and operations within the hotel. It is vital that you have an obvious presence throughout the hotel, and be visible and moving through public areas and departments continually whilst on duty. 作为一名值班经理,要始终密切关注酒店的运作和最新发生的所有事情。当班期间,必须时刻巡视酒店的各个公共区域和各部门,令员工时刻意识到你的存在。 19. Responsible for ensuring clear and constant communication lines are kept with all staff and hotel departments. 要负责同所有的员工和酒店的各个部门保持良好的沟通。 20. Responsible for providing change to other departments and the correct balancing of the main safe float. 负责同其它的部门换钱并要保证备用金的安全和准确。 21. Ensure that you as an Asst Duty Manager are completely aware of all hotel's services and facilities, outlet operating hours and scope of service. 作为值班经理要对酒店的服务质量和设施设备以及餐厅的营业时间及服务范围了如指掌。 22. Responsible for on going pertinent/relevant log book communication to other shifts/departments. 负责向其它班次/部门协调交班本上有关需要沟通的事项. 23. To acquire through training provided a comprehensive knowledge of hotel's Property Management System (OPERA), Telephone System, Paging System and in-house Movie System. 通过培训,要掌握酒店电脑系统(OPERA)、总机系统、传呼系统和酒店影视系统的综合知识。 24. Responsible for adhering to hotel staff rules and regulations as detailed in hotel’s staff handbook. 要遵守酒店的店规店纪和员工手册。 25. Reviews / follows up matters in Asst Duty Manager logbook 复阅并落实大堂副理的工作日志。 26. Checks with Front office supervisor for room status for the day 与前台主管核实全天的客房情况。 27. Checks daily arrival list for VIPs, regular and all FIT guests. Introduces hotel facilities and special services to guests while rooming. Follows up checks-in. 当天核查重要客人、常客及所有非团体外籍客人的抵店清单。客人住房登记时,应向客人介绍酒店各项设施及特殊服务,并落实客人入住手续。 28. Co-ordinates and follows up immediately with Executive Housekeeper and Engineering Department for any request of guest regarding maintenance and repair in the guestrooms. 客人所提出的客房任何维修服务时,应立即与行政管家和工程部联系合作。 29. Inspects floors, guestrooms and public areas regularly. 定期检查地面、客房及公共区域。 30. Check, make sure that posters, frame and function notice are properly maintained and makes sure the elevators are clean and in proper condition. 检查确保行李架结构与功能完善,电梯清洁,运行良好。 31. Oversees the daily movement of guest activities and be able to resolve any guest complaints and to establish an amicable relationship with guests, clients and customers of the Hotel. 观察客人的日常行为和活动,消除客人的不满并且同客人以及酒店的客户建立起友好的关系。 32. Through close supervision, recommends improvement in operation, especially in the aspects of developing better service standards, increasing revenue and reducing costs. 通过细致入微的管理,改善酒店的运作,特别是在提高服务标准,增加酒店收入及减少损失方面。  
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Supply enough mise-en-place and ensure smooth operation. 准备充足的原料以确保工作正常进行。 2. Has knowledge of all preparation concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and presentation. 熟悉所有出品的原料,烹饪技术及装饰。 3. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation. 确保所有配料的质量。 4. Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times. 确保所有出品按照标准的烹饪方法制作。 5. Delegate work to the Demi Chef and Commis assigned to him. 带领副厨师长和帮厨工作。 6. Check fridge and Products thoroughly to avoid spoilage. 为防止食品变质,要彻底检查冰箱。 7. Has knowledge of all food items concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and preparation. 熟悉所有菜的配料烹饪方法及准备工作。 8. Is alert in energy saving. 注意节省原料。 9. Ensure production and quality meets hotel standards. 确保出品达到酒店的标准。
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-35
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位职责: 1、每日审核前一天收银各班次账单、发票、收据、班结单等原始单据,对收银员每日账务处理进行复核 2、与系统明细核对,审核收银收费项目是否准确完整;审核现金、银行卡、支票收入是否准确;编制每日的《日审收入日报表》邮件发财务总监 3、对账务处理不当要查明原因,并汇总上报相关领导 4、初审VIP、保险以及各特批优惠客户的资料是否完整、有效,审核无误后交应收款会计复核并存档 5、审核发票开具是否齐全,按天整理税控发票记录,对不符的要查找原因并向上级汇报 6、审核无误的账单按天整理装订成册存档 特殊要求' 熟练使用财务SUN系统以及酒店OPERA系统
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:二年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:30-60
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Responsible for assigning daily employee work loads. 负责安排员工的日常工作。 2. Pick up and deliver all items needed for any banquet function, buffet or other. 领取在宴会、自助餐及其它活动中所需的物品,并送往所在地点。 3. Oversee overnight cleanliness of all Kitchens. 查看前一天厨师的卫生情况。 4. Set up and breakdown all buffet counters at assigned time. 在指定的时间,摆放和拆除所有的布菲台。 5. Responsible for the cleanliness of china, glassware, flatware and hollowware. 负责所有餐具的清洁、卫生。 6. Maintain and updates employee files and monitors attendance of staff. 监督员工考勤,保存员工档案,并将员工的表现记录在案。 7. Log operational incidents and concerns in the appropriate logbook. 在记事本上记录工作情况。 8. Report all equipment malfunctions to the Engineering Department and Chief Steward. 向工程部及经理汇报所有设备出现的问题。 9. Ensure proper maintenance of all dishwashing machines and Kitchen equipment. 确保正确保养洗碗机及其它厨房设备。 10. Follow sanitary procedures that have been established by the management. 按照工作程序来操作。 11. Alert in energy and chemicals saving. 注意节约。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:不限
  • 年龄要求:25-45
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职位简介:1年以上国际四、五星级酒店相关工作经验; Min.1 years working experience similar position in international4, 5-star hotel;   良好的沟通能力; Good communication skills;          
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:22-30
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职位简介:1. 1年以上国际四、五星级酒店相关工作经验; Min. 1 years working experience similar position in international4, 5-star hotel; 2. 良好的英语听、说、读、写能力; Fluently in written and spoken English; 3. 良好的沟通能力; Good communication skills;          
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:18-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Performs all duties as assigned by management. 及时完成酒店管理层所布置的所有工作。 2. Suggests food and beverages ~ to be well versed with the menu, method of preparation and accompaniments. 要熟知菜单、食品配方及其它方面的知识,以便向客人推荐各种食品及饮料。 3. Cleans and polishes Glassware, China ware, hollowware and flatware. 清洁并擦亮所有器皿。 4. Maintains cleanliness and mise-en-place level at working station and service pantry for smooth operation. 保持工作场地及餐具室内物品的齐全、干净、整洁。 5. Replenishes supply of linen and other Operating equipment. 添加所需的布品及操作设备。 6. Obtains requested items from the storeroom. 从仓库内领取物品。 7. Keeps general appearance and maintenance of Restaurant working areas. 保持餐厅工作场地的干净、完好、整洁。 8. Follows correct sequence of service outlined in the Standard Operating Manual. 根据标准的手册来完成服务工作。 9. Sets up tables in accordance with Restaurant policy. 根据餐厅的规定来摆放餐桌。 10. Cleans and removes dishes from the table after service is completed. 结束服务后,要清理所有的饭菜,并清洁桌面。 11. Transports soiled dishes from dining room to kitchen and depositing them in proper placing at the Steward area. 把餐厅内用过的饭菜送往厨房内管事工的工作场地。 12. Cleans all spillage during mealtime and at closing. 用餐期间及结束用餐时清理所有的脏物。 13. Maintains excellent grooming standard at all times. 始终保持良好的仪容仪表。  
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:25-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Under the leadership of /assistant chief engineer to keep all equipment within his responsibility area operating correctly and in a safe condition. 在总工程师及副总工程师的领导下,完成所分担的工作,确保责任范围内的设备安全经济运行。 2. Knows hotel equipment system, knows the operating method and principle. 熟悉酒店工程系统基本情况,掌握管理要点,了解酒店设备设施的运行原理,掌握设备设施运行状况。 3. To work out necessary policy and procedure, organize and monitor staff to learn how to operation facilities and equipment properly and safely. 负责编制责任范围内的各项规章制度、安全操作规程,并组织、督促员工认真学习设备设施安全操作规程,经常检查员工的执行情况,坚决制止违规操作。 4. To work out preventive maintenance schedule and report to the chief engineer /assistant chief engineer 负责编制所属管辖范围内设备设施预防性维护计划,定期报总工程师或副总工程师审定,并负责组织实施。 5. Implement concerning preventive maintenance schedule to ensure all equipment operating smoothly. 按照预防性维护计划对所属设备设施进行巡查,对查出的问题要及时跟进处理,以确保设备设施处于完好的状态。 6. Arrange staff to deal with daily repairing requests, take action and provide solutions in emergency situations. 督促工程报修事项处理,对于重点事项要跟进处理;对运行故障要及时组织人力进行抢修,并制定有效的预防措施。 7. Coordinate, supervise and check the construction that carried out by outside contractor to ensure it is up to standard. 根据工程部总工程师或副总工程师的要求,监督外单位承担大修、技术改造和工程项目,并组织人员密切配合,保证工程符合规定的要求。 8. Try to arouse staff's enthusiasm to work hard and keep hotel facilities and equipment in good condition. 积极配合酒店对设备管理的检查评比,努力调动本部门员工管好、用好、保养好设备的积极性,不断提高酒店设备管理水平。 9. Raise suggestions to adopt new technology. 掌握科技发展新动态,适时应用新技术,对酒店设备的更新改革方案,提供可行性意见。 10. Work out training plan and conduct training to improve staff professional skill and service awareness. 负责制定和实施下属员工的培训计划,着重加强服务意识、技术水平、一专多能等方面的培训。 11. Try all the way to improve staff work efficiency. 搞好班组管理,采取改进措施,提高工作效率,控制维修费用,确保酒店的节能、节支。 12. Committed to save energy and try to reduce cost. 督促员工推行节能运行计划的实施和运行维修费用预算的控制。 13. Assist the chief engineer to coordinate within engineering department and other departments to ensure a good circumstance. 协助总工程师做好外部关系的协调,以获得良好的外部环境。 14. Make a summarize for staff work performance and record the Log Book. 对员工的工作业绩、技术创新、合理化建议进行统计,并编报每天的工作报表。 15. Follow up purchase request procedure to ensure the common materials and spare parts are available at all time. 做好本班组所需材料和零配件的采购计划,保证常用材料和零配件的质量和备用量。 16. Accept additional or temporary assignment as instructed by his superior from time to time.      随时接受上级附加或暂时的工作任务。      
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:30-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:负责咖啡厅员工的岗位业务培训及工作督导、人员协调。菜品促销及成本控制。 根据市场变化和客人需求,及时调整餐饮经营策略,完成领导交待的其他工作。 英语口语交流无障碍。 相关4、5星级酒店工作经验一年以上,工作时间:做五休二。
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 相关4、5星级酒店工作经验一年以上; 具备良好的团队组织与协调能力; 端正的工作态度,正确对待工作压力。 工作时间:做五休二   福利待遇 5000-7000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:22-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 负责酒店餐厅日常工作。 检查出勤,对服务员当天的工作进行安排和指导,并及时和上级做好沟通。 熟悉餐厅的工作流程,有星级酒店、餐厅工作经验者优先。 工作时间:做五休二。   福利待遇 4500-5000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+交通补贴+提供食宿等
  • 学历要求:初中
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:18-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 服从领班的工作安排; 按餐厅服务工作规程和质量要求,做好餐前准备、餐中服务和餐后结束工作。 身体健康,五官端正,吃苦耐劳。 工作时间:做五休二。   福利待遇 4000-4500元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:初中
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 从事酒店西厨房的烹饪、切配等相关工作,适应翻班。 身体健康,有一定的服务意识,有相关餐饮西厨房工作经验或相关专业毕业。   福利待遇 5000-6000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 负责餐饮部后勤工作管理,文档管理,上下级信息传达及完成上级交办的其他工作。 具体良好的电脑技能和逻辑组织能力和沟通能力。 工作时间:做五休二。     福利待遇 5000-6000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 帮助宾客做好入住、退房手续及问询工作; 及时向前厅经理或当值大堂经理报告宾客的投诉意见。 能吃苦耐劳,适应翻班制; 具有团队协作性和服从性,工作时间:做二休二。   福利待遇 4000-4500元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:18-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 负责酒店餐饮部VIP的日常接待工作 良好的协调与沟通能力,身体健康,形象气质佳,女,身高165CM以上,吃苦耐劳。 工作时间:做五休二。   福利待遇 5000-6000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:中专
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-40
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 帮助宾客做好入住、退房手续及问询工作; 及时向前厅经理或当值大堂经理报告宾客的投诉意见。 能吃苦耐劳,适应翻班制; 具有团队协作性和服从性,工作时间:做二休二。   福利待遇 4000-4500元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:初中
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-50
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 遵守操作规程及酒店规章制度。按计划检修客房,检修公共区域,根据客房损坏情况排出先后次序进行维修。完成综合性临时任务,上岗需要水、电工操作证,适应翻班,工作时间:做二休二。   福利待遇 4500-5000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:初中
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-50
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 负责酒店楼层客房的清洁卫生打扫工作,吃苦耐劳。工作时间:做五休二。   福利待遇 3720-4000元/月+客房计件+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供食宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:初中
  • 工作经验:不限
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:20-55
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位要求 负责酒店公共区域的清洁卫生打扫工作,吃苦耐劳。工作时间:做五休二。   福利待遇 3720-4000元/月+外语津贴+五险一金+工作餐+提供住宿+交通补贴等
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Supply enough mise-en-place and ensure smooth operation. 准备充足的原料以确保工作正常进行。 2. Has knowledge of all preparation concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and presentation. 熟悉所有出品的原料,烹饪技术及装饰。 3. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation. 确保所有配料的质量。 4. Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times. 确保所有出品按照标准的烹饪方法制作。 5. Delegate work to the Demi Chef and Commis assigned to him. 带领副厨师长和帮厨工作。 6. Check fridge and Products thoroughly to avoid spoilage. 为防止食品变质,要彻底检查冰箱。 7. Has knowledge of all food items concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and preparation. 熟悉所有菜的配料烹饪方法及准备工作。 8. Is alert in energy saving. 注意节省原料。 9. Ensure production and quality meets hotel standards. 确保出品达到酒店的标准。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:二年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities主要责任 1. Assists Chief Concierge in controlling and directing the section within the framework as defined in the organization chart.       如组织架构图所示,协助总礼宾司管理所负责区域。 2. Be concerned with staff discipline and performance in relation to all staff within the section. 管理本部门员工的工作纪律及工作表现。 3. Supervise and delegate duties to all staff within the section and prepare their working schedules as required. 负责管理岗位员工,并安排岗位的工作班次和时间。 4. Ensures that every matter in the logbook is followed up. 确保工作日志中记录的每一件事情都已经落实。 5. Accepts luggage and parcels for safekeeping and ensure that at all times it is recorded properly. 确保所接收的行李和包裹的安全,并有正确记录。 6. Pre-check all group rooming lists for arrival and departure. 预先检查所有抵达和离店团队的分房名单。 7. Ensures that all staff and sub-ordinates within the section are using the training given. 确保所有的员工将所接受的培训运用在实际工作中。 8. Use your supervisory skills to encourage and motivate staff at all times. 运用你的管理技巧鼓励和激发员工的工作积极性。 9. Assists/ensures that no guest waits longer than 10 minutes for his/her luggage to be sent or 15 minutes for luggage to be collected to and from guest’s room. 协助/确保每一位客人等待运送行李的时间不超过10分钟,或者收运行李的时间不超过15分钟。 10. Determines work schedule of the Bell service personnel, records attendance and accomplishments of Bell Service personnel and endorses unfinished duties to incoming shift in appropriate logbooks. 制定行李服务部门的工作时间表,记录员工考勤和工作成绩。批示未完成的工作,并将工作日志移交下一个班次。 11. Maintain and control the use of storeroom, ensures the cleanliness and see to it that proper procedures are followed in receiving, storing and issuing of baggage and any other items as may be left behind by guests. 管理行李房,确保行李房的整洁及客人行李和遗留物品的接收、存放、分发按照正确的程序进行。 12. Is responsible for the cleanliness of the trolleys and the storage room. To assign a Bell Person to be responsible for this task. 要负责保持行李车和行李房的整洁,委派一名行李员负责此项工作。 13. Ensure that the Bellman and Doorman are at their respective position so that no areas are left unmanned at all times. 要确保行李员和门童在各自的岗位上,不能出现空岗的现象。 14. Answers telephone and dispatched bellmen on calls. 接电话并电话派遣行李员。 15. Keeps record of bellmen calls. 做好行李员来电记录。 16. Is responsible for orderly crew. 负责给整个班组下达命令。 17. Accepts checks and issues claim checks for baggage, coats, packages, and other articles presented for checking. 接收行李票,并发放行李、衣物、包裹及其他要寄存物品的认领票。 18. Releases checked articles in exchange for claim checks. 收到物品认领票后,应发放所认领的物品。 19. Provide general information to guests in a good and helpful manner. 礼貌周到地为客人提供日常信息服务。 20. Identify ways of increasing the hotel’s overall profitability within the section. 在本职岗位,通过各种途径和努力以增加整个酒店的收益。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:二年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:25-50
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. The Driver is responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the hotel vehicles whilst on duty. To ensure that vehicles are properly maintained. 在当班时,要负责所有与车辆有关的工作。并负责车辆的日常维护工作。 2. Ensure that all Limousine Booking forms are monitored closely and to be kept in a proper file. 确保所有的租车预订表正确存档。 3. Ready at workstation 15 minutes before designated work time. 在正式上班前的15分钟做好准备工作。 4. Wearing proper uniform and nametag. 正确穿着制服并佩戴工号牌。 5. Looks well groom and tidy. 仪容仪表整洁,符合标准。 6. Prepared and obtain any car bookings for the day. 准备和接受当天的租车预订。 7. Check all the stationery and equipment at work station. Ensure it is ready and in good order or condition. 检查工作区域的工作用品及设备。要确保所有的物品可正常运作。 8. Read the logbook. 阅读交班记录。 9. Ensure the car is clean and in good condition, e.g. AC, Brake etc. 要确保车辆的清洁和良好的车况。 10. Report immediately if any parts or car equipment that need to be fix or change. 如果车辆的任何部位或设备需要维修或更换,要立即报告。 11. Transport our guest to and from the airport e.g. Airport shuttle service. 负责客人在机场与酒店之间的交通,例如:机场班车服务。 12. Never drives exceeding the speed limit. 禁止超速行驶。 13. Posses excellent driving skills. 具备优秀的驾驶技术。 14. Drive safely and carefully. 安全驾驶。 15. Provide guest with all information about our hotel facilities and attractions. 向客人介绍有关酒店设施和特色。 16. Always build up a good relationship with the guest. 要始终与客人建立良好的关系。 17. Light conversation is encouraged, as long as it is not disturbing your concentration while you are driving. 在驾驶车辆时,尽量少交谈,以免分散你的注意力。 18. Loading and unloading guest's luggage and other materials. 帮助客人装卸行李和其它的物品。 19. Ensure the guest personal belongings are not left in the car after dropping guest off especially if the guest is dropped off at the airport. 送客人抵达目的地后,确保客人未将私人物品遗留在车上,尤其要提醒被送往机场的客人。 20. Take good care of all the vehicles. 要悉心维护所有车辆。 21. Takes care of the vehicle assigned to him, fills the tank wen necessary, takes the car for maintenance and servicing, according to the manufacturer instructions, cleans the car every day. 悉心照顾所分配的车辆,必要时加满油箱,按照汽车生产厂商的指示负责对车辆的维修保养,每天清洗车辆。 22. Reports all above actions on the logbook assigned to each car. 在每辆车配有的驾驶日志上记下所有上述事项的执行情况。 23. Enters in the logbook all trips made, departure time, mileage, time of return, purpose of trip. 在驾驶日志上记录所有出车事宜,包括发车时间、里程、归队时间及出车目的。 24. Might be assigned to carry out jobs for the hotel service as well as for the customers. 可能因酒店服务或客人的需要被派出车。 25. Handle all guest queries in efficient manner and to establish an amicable relationship with all guests of the Hotel. 及时、高效地处理所有客人的询问,并同所有客人建立良好的关系。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:28-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Supply enough mise-en-place and ensure smooth operation. 准备充足的原料以确保工作正常进行。 2. Has knowledge of all preparation concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and presentation. 熟悉所有出品的原料,烹饪技术及装饰。 3. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation. 确保所有配料的质量。 4. Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times. 确保所有出品按照标准的烹饪方法制作。 5. Delegate work to the Demi Chef and Commis assigned to him. 带领副厨师长和帮厨工作。 6. Check fridge and Products thoroughly to avoid spoilage. 为防止食品变质,要彻底检查冰箱。 7. Has knowledge of all food items concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and preparation. 熟悉所有菜的配料烹饪方法及准备工作。 8. Is alert in energy saving. 注意节省原料。 9. Ensure production and quality meets hotel standards. 确保出品达到酒店的标准。
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 工作经验:五年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:35-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:岗位职责: 1、协助上级编制、修订及不断完善财务制度、会计制度、并负责解释、指导、监督与贯彻实施 2、会计凭证的审核、编制及会计档案的整理保管 3、财务结构的分析及会计报告、报表的编制 4、具体执行资金预算及控制预算内的经费支出 5、负责员工工资与提成的核算与报批申报工作 6、负责项目合同的保管与归档及财务文件、报表等资料档案的编号、整理和归档 7、合同的审核、监督和跟进、 8、协助相关部门申报国家各项补贴、材料的提交等 9、公司固定资产明细管理,并对保管部门进行定期抽查与盘点 10、财务监督管理、汇总等工作 11、完成上级临时交办的其他事宜
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:28-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Supply enough mise-en-place and ensure smooth operation. 准备充足的原料以确保工作正常进行。 2. Has knowledge of all preparation concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and presentation. 熟悉所有出品的原料,烹饪技术及装饰。 3. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation. 确保所有配料的质量。 4. Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times. 确保所有出品按照标准的烹饪方法制作。 5. Delegate work to the Demi Chef and Commis assigned to him. 带领副厨师长和帮厨工作。 6. Check fridge and Products thoroughly to avoid spoilage. 为防止食品变质,要彻底检查冰箱。 7. Has knowledge of all food items concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and preparation. 熟悉所有菜的配料烹饪方法及准备工作。 8. Is alert in energy saving. 注意节省原料。 9. Ensure production and quality meets hotel standards. 确保出品达到酒店的标准。
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:30-45
  • 点击申请该职位
职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. To ensure that all required reports are prepared accurately within the committed timetable.     保证所有相关工作报告及时准确地完成。 2. To ensure that the inventory taking of Food & Beverage and other Supplies are done properly.     保证仓库的库存合理及其他消耗品及时得到补充。 3. To ensure that the cost control policy complies with applicable company policies.     确保所实施的成本控制政策和公司的相关政策保持一致。 4. To review and check all receiving voucher and reports from receiving matching with purchase order or market list.     审阅所有收货记录及报告使之与订货单及市场采购单相一致。 5. To ensure the proper coding of store item requisitions.     确保领出物品代码的正确性。 6. To check daily food and beverage cost report.        检查每日食品成本报告。 7. To close the monthly book of Fidelio after inventory taking.        每日与总帐对帐后对Fidelio进行结账。 8. To insert the new code of store and market items and ensure every code is correct.        随时加入新的项目代码并保证其正确性。 9. To prepare the food and beverage, general items and engineering monthly report.        准备每月食品、酒水、消耗品和工程部成本报告。 10. To control physical stock taking, comparing and analyzing variances.     控制提货量,比较和分析其中差别。 11. To review the percentage of food & beverage costs consumed each month and prepare th analysis report.     审核每月所消耗的食品及饮料的成本率并出具分析报告。 12. To calculate the per plate cost of menu items in order to protect future food and beverage costs by the accurate projection of menu prices.     通过精确核对每道菜的菜单价格来计算和控制成本。 13. To spot check on purchases, stocks, portion cuts.     抽查采购、库存及菜式份量情况。 14. Ensure grooming of the staff as per hotel standard.     确保员工保持酒店微笑服务的标准。 15. Ensure all staff under his/her administration report in time.     确保下属员工及时报告工作。 16. Process disciplinary action of the staff should there be a necessity.     如有必要对下属进行纪律约束。 17. Participate in the s e l e c tion process of staff.     参予员工的选拔工作。 18. Recommend staff promotion as and when it is necessary.     必要时推荐对员工的提升。 19. Ensure that the staff under his/her supervision are on the job and do not gossip while on duty.     确保下属员工到岗且在工作时间不闲谈。 20. Check the time card of the staff once in a month and compare with the attendance register to be maintained in the Department.     每月检查员工的时间卡并与保留在本部门的签到簿比较。 21. To co-ordinate with the purchasing staff in contact with suppliers, regarding the quality of stocks purchased and ensure the price reasonable. 同采购部一道与供货商保持联系,保障库存的质量及价格的合理性。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:普通话
  • 年龄要求:22-45
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职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Prepare bakery goods in sufficient orders. 准备足够的食品以确保工作正常进行。 2. Ensure proper storage of all goods. 确保所有货物正确入库。 3. Prepare requisition for all goods needed. 准备所需物品的采购单。 4. Ensure that production is done according to Hotel standards at all times. 确保所有的出品按照标准制作。 5. Prepare requisition of all goods needed according to orders. 按照定单准备所有货物的采购单。 6. Check fridge and working area thoroughly to avoid spoilage. 为避免食品变质,要彻底检查冰箱和工作场地。 7. Check food items prepared by his subordinates and correct any mistakes immediately. 检查做好的食品,如发现问题,应马上纠正。 8. Alert in energy saving. 注意节约。 9. Has knowledge of all bakery items concerning ingredients, bakery techniques and preparation. 熟悉所有西点制品的成份,加工技术及准备工作。 10. Continuously create new showpieces made out of bread dough. 不断增加新的面食摆放品。 11. Ensures production and quality to hotel standards. 确保出品达到酒店的质量要求。
  • 学历要求:不限
  • 工作经验:一年以上
  • 外语要求:英语
  • 年龄要求:23-45
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职位简介:Main Responsibilities 主要责任 1. Responsible for collection of all daily bank deposits. 负责每天银行存款的收集整理。 2. Collect and count (with a witness) the contents of all cashiers daily envelopes.    见证人在场的情况下,清点每日投款袋。 3. Review shift summary schedule completed by the Front Office cashier, investigate immediately if there is any variance. Keep the summaries on file for subsequent reference.     核查前台收银员填报的交班汇总表,及时发现其中的差错并存档备查。 4. Deposit cash and checks into hotel bank account. 将现金和支票存入银行帐户中。 5. Receive and record in the General Cashier’s Daily Report and in the daily deposit all cash and cheques received by mail.    将每天收到的现金和支票记入总出纳每日报表。 6. To collect credit card receipt/bank statement from banks. 从银行取回信用卡单和银行凭单。 7. Provide change for all cashiers.    为收银员准备零钱。 8. Be responsible for maintaining enough coins and banknotes for cashiers’ daily exchange.    为收银员准备足够的硬币和小钞以便每日的兑换。 9. Arrange the sale of Foreign Currency received.   负责外币兑换工作。 其他要求: 熟练使用财务SUN系统以及酒店OPERA系统
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